Pop-Quiz: A Meta-Analysis
- High, I am slightly more conservative, both economically and socially. Huh?
- High, I am Liberal, Outgoing and Adventurous. Sober I'm Liberal, Outgoing and Stylish.
- High, I like girls who are Practical, Adventurous and Athletic (Ed. note: that last one is bullshit. I know why it says that. It's because on the "I'm attracted to girls who are ____________." There isn't a "hot" option. The closest thing is "athletic and fit." But ladies, that's not true.
I'm less nurturing than a desert.
Sober, I like girls who are Practical, Shy and Funny (Ed note: no, I don't).
- High, I'm a Unitarian. Gross. But still not Lutheran! SCORE!
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