10 December 2005

55 Wise Elders

so there were like 100 guys and they were in the senate (i am talking about a motherfucking thing where they are in voting?_ do you understand.

Explain something to you: I hate the senate. Tedd Kennedy is a motherfucker. I am at jandyn's house. Her real name is Janet

anyways, 55 wise elders are dead now because they turned out to be stupid. they did not clean the needles and they got HIV and they died. I am not making a joke; it is simply fact DID YOU SEE MY SEMICOLON!

Let me explain something to you: I don't want you to die, richard rorty. please don't die. I like the book I am reading that you wrote an d i want you TO LIVE DAMMIT LIVE AND LEARN>

I can't remember what the 55 elders did, but it probably has something to do with church and i hate church.


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