26 December 2005

Getting Fucked (The Rose Bowl)

you fucking smoke a fat bowl of that texas dro. and then it gets you fucked. and you are fucked. and it is hard to think.

ok, let me tell you about the rose bowl. a long time ago there was a spanigard who looked like antonio banderas, but he wasn't, he was a king., the king of spangards, motherfuckers. so anyway, he was there, and he went out unto the land, and asked for a gyro, youy know one of thoise greek things, and they said no, it couldn't be done. but, he did it, and when he did, he named a bcs game after the rose bowl he built, and he named it the rose bowl, and then they were all called bowl games. just kindding, it was a coincidence.

so, let me conclude by telling you that what is to come will be will be, bill.



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