27 December 2005

How the Internet Works (by Doug Hill, MD)

the interweb works like this:

step one. Turn on computer.

step two. Brett's space bar does not function very well.

step three. What was I talking about?

step four. The internet.

step five. That's what I was talking about.

step six. Modems. Servers. Et Cetera.

step seven. Everything Is Capitalized. Or Capitolized. The world will never know.

step eight. What is a web browser?

step nine. Too much space. Aretherereallyadvertisers(seeitoldyouaboutthespacebar).

step ten. Drink.

step e11even. I think the Jews control it.

I'm not an "expert"but neither are you, so don't argue.

[This has been a guest commentary by Doug Hill. He's not really a doctor, but I read once that Doctors are always ripping people off and performing unnecessary surgery and shit, so fuck doctors. You know? I'ma go pay the electric bill.)


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