06 February 2006

the war of 1812

In third grade, my friend Holly's dad came to lunch at school to sit with us. He told us a joke: When was the war of 1812? The answer of course being 1812, but we thought it was very funny. So did he, but he was drunk, so maybe he should have been the one posting on here right now. I typed two spaces between "right" and "now," but didn't bother to delete it. Anyway, what was I talking about? The funniest thing anyone has ever said in my religion class was "it was probably written by a guy who was partial to his foreskin." I would fight a war if someone was trying to take my foreskin.

this post was brought to you by emily briggs. while we generally frown upon proper grammar, we generally smile upon you shutting the fuck up and not telling us how to run our goddamn blog.


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