12 May 2006

How to Pass Judicial Process

Step 1: Watch an ass-ton of Law and Order. Do not read your textbook.

Step 2: Never complete even one reading assignment. Instead, skim the section subtitles.

Step 3: Do not begin a paper until less than 48 hours before the due date.

Step 4: Do not participate in the field trip; do not make up those points.

Step 5: Write two really shitty papers about juries; never make clear whether you are talking about civil or criminal juries, because you don't know the answer to that question.

Step 6: Generally ignore calls to "get into groups."

Step 7: Decide halfway through class that criminology is worthless, corrupt, and pretty much just a bunch of dumb bastards deciding the best way to deal with unemployed black men in cities larger than any they will ever visit. Decide that if these people died slowly, that you wouldn't really care, because the best case scenario for their life is being a criminology professor. Decide that law school will make you be friends with only these people; decide that law school sounds shitty.

Step 8: Check grade, get A-.

Step 9: Make list.

05 May 2006

Aw, Shit, Son

Aw, shit. Kobe Bryant done dropped a BOMB on you, son. You heard me?

I hate Steve Nash. I like Tyson Nash. I Like Still, Nash and Young. I do not like Crosby, and his donating-sperm-to-Melissa-Etheridge bullshit. What the fuck?


He's KILLIN y'all. Especially Steve Nash.

Little Canadian Bitch

03 May 2006


Come and watch the deterioration of my intellect and our society.

When Baudrillard talks about deterrence, what he essentially means, in my estimation, is that our society and the media have made clear their willingness to annihilate themselves--to admit that they are merely copies without originals. So in this sense, it is similar to the early lack of resistance to the Cold War nuclear buildup. The system made clear its willingness to annihilate itself and you at the same time. So what resistance is left?

Similarly, in our society, the media makes clear that it is now simply creating spectacle by their very existence. Our gut reaction is to reply that there is no meaning in our culture, but the culture has already admitted as much. So what are we to do.

Consider: it is impossible to dismiss irony with irony.

This is all I think about.